RESUMOObjetivos: Determinar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos e correlacionar a ocorrência destes com o autorrelato de quedas em idosos, utilizando a estrutura fatorial da Escala de Depressão Geriátrica de A consistência interna da EDG-15 foi avaliada pelo teste de Alpha de Cronbach, obtendo valor aceitável (0,73); o teste que verificou a aplicabilidade da escala foi o Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin, cujo coeficiente obtido (0,658) demonstrou a adequação para o método de análise fatorial. Após a aplicação da análise fatorial, destacaram-se dois fatores que agruparam oito itens extraídos da escala, capazes de explicar 68% da variância total da EDG-15. Conclusões: A prevalência da depressão foi relevante na amostra estudada. A maior carga fatorial foi representada nas dimensões de ansiedade, anedonia, medo, isolamento e apatia. A correlação entre autorrelato de quedas e sintomas depressivos foi significativa. Os dados apontam para a necessidade de maior atenção à saúde mental do idoso e enfatizam a importância de intervenções precoces de rastreamento dos sintomas depressivos visando à adoção de medidas preventivas. DECRITORES: idoso fragilizado; transtorno depressivo; acidentes por quedas.
Aims:To determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms and correlate them with self-reported falls among the elderly using the Yesavage-15 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from July to October 2014. Elderly volunteers from the Community Center for the Elderly located in Vitória da Conquista, State of Bahia, Brazil, participated in the study. They were selected by non-probability convenience sampling and answered the GDS-15 questionnaire after being informed about the study objectives and signing a free consent form. Results: A total of 68 elderly individuals with a mean age of 73.12±7.1 years were included in the study, and female participants accounted for 60.3% of the sample. Depressive symptoms were detected in 35 (51%) individuals, among which 23 (33.8%) were female. Falls were self-reported by 33 elderly individuals (48.5%). There was a positive and significant correlation (r=0.383, p <0.001) between self-reported falls and depressive symptoms among the participants. The internal consistency of the GDS-15 was assessed by Cronbach's alpha, which yielded an acceptable value (0.73). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was used to verify the applicability of the GDS-15, yielding a value of 0.658, which means the scale was adequate for the factor analysis method. Two factors, into which eight items were grouped, stood out after the factor analysis and were able to explain 68% of the total variance of the GDS-15. Conclusions: The prevalence of depression was relevant. The dimensions of anxiety, anhedonia, fear, isolation, and apathy showed the largest factor loads. The correlation between self-reported falls and depressive symptoms was significant. The data indicate it is necessary to pay special attention to the mental health of the elderly and also highlight ...