The effects of a heat current and gravity in liquid 4 He near the superfluid transition are investigated for temperatures above and below T λ . We present a renormalization-group calculation based on model F for the Green's function in a self-consistent approximation which in quantum manyparticle theory is known as the Hartree approximation. The approach can handle the average order parameter ψ = 0 above and below T λ and includes effects of vortices. We calculate the thermal conductivity λT(∆T, Q) and the specific heat C(∆T, Q) for all temperature differences ∆T = T −T λ and heat currents Q in the critical regime. Furthermore, we calculate the temperature profile T (z). Below T λ we find a second correlation length ξ1 ∼ Q −1 (T λ − T ) +ν which describes the dephasing of the order-parameter field due to vortices. We find dissipation and mutual friction of the superfluidnormal fluid counterflow and calculate the Gorter-Mellink coefficient A. We compare our theoretical results with recent experiments.