Objective This study compared the bond strength of glass fiber post to dentin using different irrigation methods and solutions and to evaluate the bond strength in different regions of the root. Methods One hundred human anterior maxillary teeth were randomly divided into 10 groups (n=10). Root canal filling and post space preparation were carried out followed by diverse final irrigation techniques. Groups 1 to 3 underwent syringe irrigation, groups 4 to 6 irrigation with ultrasonic instrumentation and groups 7 to 9 passive ultrasonic irrigation. Different irrigant solutions were used in each groups as 2.5% NaOCl (groups 1,4,7), 17% EDTA (groups 2,5,8) and 2.5% NaOCl followed by 10% sodium ascorbate (groups 3,6,9). Group 10 was done by syringe irrigation with distilled water. Fiber post luting was performed with Panavia SA Cement Plus. Slices of 1 mm thickness were divided into cervical and apical root regions. Push-out bond strength tests were performed. Results Bond strengths were significantly affected by different irrigants (p<0.05; 2-way ANOVA). Irrigant solution groups 3, 6, and 9 with NaOCl followed by sodium ascorbate gave higher bond strengths with group 6 showing a significant difference between cervical and apical root regions. Conclusions Bond strengths are significantly affected by different irrigant solutions. An irrigant solution of NaOCl followed by sodium ascorbate resulted in high bond strength values. The region of the root was affected only in group 6.