It has been hypothesized that the ␦ 13 C values of chemoautotrophs at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, which cluster in two groups around Ϫ11‰ and Ϫ30‰, are due to variation in isotopic discrimination by different forms of RubisCO. The most enriched ␦ 13 C values are from the vestimentiferan tubeworm Riftia pachyptila, whose bacterial endosymbionts provide essentially all of its organic carbon via CO 2 fixation by a form II RubisCO. The kinetic parameters of purified R. pachyptila symbiont RubisCO were determined to assess the degree to which the ␦ 13 C values of tubeworm biomass are due to isotopic fractionation during CO 2 fixation by this enzyme. Like most form II enzymes, the K is high, at 240 mol L Ϫ1 , whereas the CO 2 /O 2 specificity factor (⍀) is low, at 8.6. The CO2 value, which is proportional to the degree of isotopic discrimination by the enzyme, was determined to be 19.5‰, lower than that for form I RubisCO. This low value supports the hypothesis that the degree of isotopic fractionation during CO 2 fixation appears to be an important influence on the ␦
13C values of R. pachyptila biomass. Our results indicate that it is necessary to consider RubisCO values in interpreting ␦ 13 C values from autotrophs.At deep-sea hydrothermal vents, invertebrates with chemoautotrophic bacterial symbionts provide a substantial por-1 Present address: E&J Gallo Winery,