“…In contrast, high altitude climate (1600–1800 m above sea level) has a toning effect which sometimes works very well indeed.” 53 Unna observed a connection between itch and seasonal change: “During the winter, some patients with varicose veins suffer from exacerbated itching in bed at night.” 54 Therapeutic baths figure prominently as another conventional treatment. Simple cold baths were considered helpful, but an array of additives was also available, including carbon, sulfur, iron, menthol, vinegar, ethyl alcohol, bran, starch, tar, and oak bark 47–51,55–57 . Pruritus vulvae, for example, was treated by adjustments to the diet, exercise, going to sleep late, cold ablutions for 5 min in the morning and in the evening, and ablutions with carbolic acid 56…”