We encountered a 30-year-old woman who developed dermatomyositis during pregnancy and was positive for anti-Mi-2 antibodies. She was successfully treated with prednisolone and tacrolimus and delivered a healthy child. We reviewed the cases of idiopathic inflammatory myositis (IIM) that developed during pregnancy that were published after the year 2000 to elucidate the profile of myositis-specific antibodies (MSAs) in them and to evaluate their obstetric outcomes. In cases with IIM that developed during pregnancy, anti-Mi-2, anti-TIF1-g, anti-Jo-1, and anti-EJ antibodies was detected in one case each. The obstetric outcomes of the IIM-complicated pregnancies were poor, especially when complicated with active maternal myositis. Further studies focusing on the possible causal relationships between MSAs and cases with IIM that developed during pregnancy are needed. For better obstetric outcomes, appropriate suppression of the maternal disease activity using immunosuppressants and vigilance regarding the patient's requirement of Caesarean section is important.