In this note we apply the Guillén-Navarro descent theorem to define a descent variant of the algebraic K-theory of varieties over a field of characteristic zero, KD(X), which coincides with K(X) for smooth varieties and to prove that there is a natural weight filtration on the groups KD * (X). After a result of Haesemeyer, we deduce that this theory is equivalent to the homotopy algebraic K-theory introduced by Weibel.
IntroductionIn Théorème (2.1.5) of [GN02], F. Guillén and V. Navarro have proved a general result, which permits one to extend (in the presence of resolution of singularities) a contravariant functor compatible with smooth blow-ups on the category of smooth schemes to a functor on the category of all schemes in such a way that the extended functor is compatible with general blow-ups. In this paper we apply this result to algebraic K-theory. More specifically, we consider the algebraic K-theory functor, which to a smooth algebraic variety over a field of characteristic zero X, associates the spectrum of the cofibration category of perfect complexes, K(X). We apply Guillén-Navarro extension criterion to prove that this functor admits an (essentially unique) extension to all algebraic varieties, KD(X), which satisfies a descent property.Moreover, by using the extension theorem in analogy with Guillén and Navarro's paper [GN03], we are able to prove the existence of a natural filtration on the KDgroups associated to an algebraic variety. In fact, the KD-theory of an algebraic variety X is defined by cubical descent and therefore, if X • is a cubical hyperresolution of X (see [GNPP, I.(2.12)]), then there is a convergent spectral sequence, see Proposition 4.3,where we have written KD * (X) = π * (KD(X)). We prove that the associated filtration on KD * (X) is independent of the chosen hyperresolution X • of X.It is well known that algebraic K-theory of schemes does not satisfy descent. , satisfies descent for varieties over a field of characteristic zero. From the uniqueness of our extension KD and Haesemeyer's result, it follows that, for any variety X over a field of characteristic zero, the spectra KD(X) and KH(X) are weakly equivalent. We observe that Cortiñas, Haesemeyer and Weibel have analyzed in [CHW] the fiber of the morphism K −→ KH in terms of the negative cyclic homology functor.Following [GN02, Théorème (2.3.6)], we also find an extension of K to a functor with compact support, K c , which once again by uniqueness is weakly equivalent to the algebraic K-theory with compact support introduced by Gillet and Soulé in [GS]. By our techniques we recover the weight filtration introduced in [GS, Theorem 7] for algebraic K-theory with compact support.Some results of this paper have been obtained by other authors using the fibrant replacement functor for a closed model category structure on the category of presheaves on the category of schemes with a suitable topology; see the papers [CHSW, CHW] and [GS]. As remarked in [R2, Theorem 4.6], the two presentations are equivalent, but we think ...