An olistostrome accumulation up to 530 m thick occurs in the Casanova area of the northern Apennines. It lies within or above the calciturbiditic Palombini limestone‐shale sequence, and is part of the allochthonous Vara Complex—sediments originally deposited on oceanic crust. The olistostromes are poorly sorted, monomict, matrix‐supported, submarine debris flow deposits with rigid plugs. They have a compactional foliation and a compaction‐modified, planar clast fabric created during flow. Although diachronous in the main part of the area, the olistostromes have a vertical gradational contact with the overlying slumped Palombini, in which recumbent asymmetric fold hinges and trains and slump boudins are present. Many criteria indicate soft‐sediment deformation. Fold asymmetry indicates a uniformly SW‐dipping palaeoslope. The textural gradation from slumps to olistostrome beds, plus slump folds and boudins as olistostrome clasts show that the olistostromes are dismembered slumps. In vertical sections, variations in limestone petrography, volume percentage and size of clasts confirm that the olistostromes were derived from the Palombini as a series of bed‐by‐bed slumps keeping pace with sedimentation of the Palombini. From olistostrome clast sizes and bed thicknesses, a depositional slope of ∼ 4° is estimated. The olistostromes are not precursor sediments shed from advancing nappes, as in the Bracco ridge model of some authors; rather, they were formed at the foot of a distal, block‐faulted passive continental margin, long before nappe emplacement.