The extended coherent state model is further extended in order to describe two dipole bands of different parities. The formalism provides a consistent description of eight rotational bands. A unified description for spherical, transitional and deformed nuclei is possible. Projecting out the angular momentum and parity from a sole state, the K π = 1 + band acquires a magnetic character, while the electric properties prevail for the other band. Signatures for a static octupole deformation in some states of the dipole bands are pointed out. Some properties which distinguish between the dipole band states and states of the same parity but belonging to other bands are mentioned. Interesting features concerning the decay properties of the two bands are found. Numerical applications are made for 158 Gd, 172 Yb, 228,232 Th, 226 Ra, 238 U and 238 Pu, and the results are compared with the available data.