To date, it is still impossible to sample the entire mammalian brain with single-neuron precision. This forces one to either use spikes (focusing on few neurons) or to use coarse-sampled activity (averaging over many neurons, e.g. LFP). Naturally, the sampling technique impacts inference about collective properties. Here, we emulate both sampling techniques on a spiking model to quantify how they alter observed correlations and signatures of criticality. We discover a general effect: when the inter-electrode distance is small, electrodes sample overlapping regions in space, which increases the correlation between the signals. For coarse-sampled activity, this can produce power-law distributions even for non-critical systems. In contrast, spikes enable one to distinguish the underlying dynamics. This explains why coarse measures and spikes have produced contradicting results in the past -that are now all consistent with a slightly subcritical regime.
Introduction 1For more than two decades, it has been argued that the cor-2 tex might operate at a critical point [1][2][3][4][5][6]. The criticality hy-3 pothesis states that by operating at a critical point, neuronal 4 networks could benefit from optimal information-processing 5 properties. Properties maximized at criticality include the cor-6 relation length [7], the autocorrelation time [6], the dynamic 7 range [8] and the richness of spatio-temporal patterns [9, 10]. 8 Evidence for criticality in the brain often derives from mea-9 surements of neuronal avalanches. Neuronal avalanches are 10 cascades of neuronal activity that spread in space and time. If a 11 system is critical, the probability distribution of avalanche size 12 ( ) follows a power law ( ) ∼ − [7, 11]. Such power-13 law distributions have been observed repeatedly in experiments 14 since they were first reported by Beggs & Plenz in 2003 [1]. 15 However, not all experiments have produced power laws 16 and the criticality hypothesis remains controversial. It turns 17 out that results for cortical recordings in vivo differ systemati-18 cally: 19 Studies that use what we here call coarse-sampled activity 20 typically produce power-law distributions [1, 12-21]. In con-21 trast, studies that use sub-sampled activity typically do not [14, 22 22-26]. Coarse-sampled activity include LFP, M/EEG, fMRI 23 and potentially calcium imaging, while sub-sampled activity is 24 front-most spike recordings. We hypothesize that the apparent 25 contradiction between coarse-sampled (LFP-like) data and sub-26 sampled (spike) data can be explained by the differences in the 27 recording and analysis procedures.28In general, the analysis of neuronal avalanches is not 29 straightforward. In order to obtain avalanches, one needs to de-30 fine discrete events. While spikes are discrete events by nature, 31 a coarse-sampled signal has to be converted into a binary form.
32This conversion hinges on thresholding the signal, which can be 33 problematic [27][28][29][30]. Furthermore, events have to be grouped 34 into avalanches, and th...