Currently, there is little information pertaining to the airborne bacterial communities of green buildings. In this case study, the air bacterial community of a zero carbon building (ZCB) in Hong Kong was characterized by targeting the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Bacteria associated with the outdoor environment dominated the indoor airborne bacterial assemblage, with a modest contribution from bacteria associated with human skin. Differences in overall community diversity, membership, and composition associated with short (day-to-day) and long-term temporal properties were detected, which may have been driven by specific environmental genera and taxa. Furthermore, time-decay relationships in community membership (based on unweighted UniFrac distances) and composition (based on weighted UniFrac distances) differed depending on the season and sampling location. A Bayesian source-tracking approach further supported the importance of adjacent outdoor air bacterial assemblage in sourcing the ZCB indoor bioaerosol. Despite the unique building attributes, the ZCB microbial assemblage detected and its temporal characteristics were not dissimilar to that of conventional built environments investigated previously. Future controlled experiments and microbial assemblage investigations of other ZCBs will undoubtedly uncover additional knowledge related to how airborne bacteria in green buildings may be influenced by their distinctive architectural attributes.
K E Y W O R D S16S rRNA gene, bioaerosols, built environment, microbial diversity, microbiome, zero carbon building
| INTRODUCTIONThe built environment (BE) is the predominant habitat for modern individuals.1 The BE also houses diverse communities of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Thus, indoor occupants are constantly exposed to this indoor microbial assemblage (also known as the indoor microbiome). The importance of understanding the microbial assemblage of the BE is multifold, as it (i) enables a greater insight into the potential influence of building designs on shaping microbial communities, 2-4 (ii) allows the assessment of potential health impacts of the baseline BE microbial assemblage, and the detection of opportunistic pathogens within the BE, 5,6 and (iii) permits in-depth investigation on how occupants affect the microbiomes of their predominant indoor spaces.
7-9With recent advances in culture-independent, high-throughput sequencing technology, the scientific community is more knowledgeable on the microbiome of the BE, and how building and occupant attributes shape the BE microbiome. [2][3][4]8,10,11 It is now known that the breadth of microbial diversity in indoor air is much greater than previously appreciated. [2][3][4][6][7][8][12][13][14][15][16][17] In addition, these important works have provided novel ways in reinforcing the notion that indoor bioaerosols can be influenced by temporal factors, as well as geography, temperature, humidity, airflow rates, occupancy, outdoor environment, ventilation strategy, room ...