Preliminary communicationIn this study, a control method is created to drive two parallel-connected permanent magnet synchronous motors fed by a single converter. Matrix converter used in this work provides ac-ac conversion in one stage. The matrix converter model and d-q model of dual PMSMs are performed in Matlab/Simulink. In industrial applications containing dual motors fed from a single converter, volume and weight of the drive system decreases, power electronics switches and other components are reduced and the installation cost decreases. Because of these advantages, many methods are being developed by researchers to control the dual motor drives. In this study, the motor control has been performed by using the average speed method. Control of dual permanent magnet synchronous motors with a single converter is implemented with ANFIS-based neural fuzzy controllers. All parameters of the motors are taken equal since two identical permanent magnet synchronous motors are considered. Two various operation conditions are investigated in the simulation. In the first case, one of the identical motors is operated on no-load, while the other one is operated with the rated load. In the second case, each motor is operated with various load torques varying with the time. Corresponding simulation results have been presented to show the performance of the drive system.
Keywords: dual motor drives; matrix converter; neural fuzzy; PMSM; variable load; vector control
Metoda upravljanja pogonom sinhronih motora s dvostrukim trajnim magnetom napajanih pretvaračem s jednom matricomPrethodno priopćenje U ovom je radu predstavljena metoda upravljanja pogonom dva sinhrona motora s paralelno povezanim trajnim magnetom, napajana jednim pretvaračem. Ovdje primijenjeni matrični konverter omogućuje ac-ac konverziju u jednom stupnju. Model matričnog konvertera i d-q model dvostrukih PMSMs izvode se u Matlab/Simulink-u. U industrijskim primjenama s dvostrukim motorima napajanim iz jedinstvenog pretvarača, smanjuje se volumen i težina pogonskog sustava, reduciraju se energetsko elektronički prekidači i druge komponente i smanjuju instalacijski troškovi. Zbog ovih su prednosti razvijene mnoge metode za upravljanje dvostrukim motornim pogonom. U ovom se istraživanju upravljanje motorom izvodi primjenom metode prosječne brzine. Upravljanje sinhronim motorima s dvostrukim permanentnim magnetom s jednim pretvaračem provodi se s neuronskim fuzzy regulatorima na bazi ANFIS-a. Svi se parametri motora smatraju jednakima budući da se razmatraju dva identična sinhrona motora s permanentnim magnetima. U simulaciji se istražuju dva različita uvjeta rada. U prvom slučaju, jedan od identičnih motora radi bez opterećenja, a drugi s nazivnim opterećenjem. U drugom slučaju, svaki motor radi s različitim momentima opterećenja koji variraju s vremenom. Prikazani su odgovarajući rezultati simulacije kako bi se pokazala učinkovitost pogonskog sustava.