The “Geometry and Graphics” journal is celebrating its eight-year birthday in 2020. It was set up in 2012. From the moment of its set up until 2016, it was the first period of the journal's life, when pedagogical papers were published three times more than the geometrical ones.
In 2016 the journal was put in the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles in specialties 05.01.01 and 13.08.00. It was the second period in the journal's life. The number of scientific and pedagogical papers have become approximately equal, which indicates a more careful selection of papers for publication in the journal, as well as introduction the apparatus for independent peer review sorting out papers not falling outside the level of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles’ journal.
In 2018 the specialty 13.08.00 was removed, only Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics remained – the third period in the journal's life began, which was characterized by a sharp fall in the number of pedagogical papers, and little wonder. This trend has been demonstrated in the present paper. As a result, if in the first period pedagogical papers in the journal were equal to 3/4 of papers’ total number, in the third period pedagogical papers number had become only 1/4, that is, had decreased by 3 times.
From 2019 (No. 4) Pedagogy has returned to the journal – the fourth period has started. Now in the journal there were two specialties again. When the pedagogical direction was again included in the list, the situation related to publication of pedagogical papers in the journal improved, and on the example of three recently published journal numbers, we can say that they began to publish in the journal technical and pedagogical papers in equal measure.
This paper aims to show to the reader the scope of pedagogical issues in papers published in the journal and related to geometric education.