Awareness of the available resources in FPGA platform can improve the quality of the hardware design. Decimal array multipliers due to their regular nature and compatibility with the CLB structure of FPGA platform are suitable cases to this aim. In this paper, PPG unit of a decimal multiplier has been realized using two different approaches in order to improve utilization of the FPGA resources.Keywords-Resource-aware design, FPGA, Decimal Array Multiplier.
I.INTRODUCTIONDecimal arithmetic algorithms are used in many modern banking and concise computational applications [1], [2]. Moreover, some of the modern processors such as IBM PowerPC support decimal units. Also there are more-optimized designs for decimal adders, multipliers, dividers, and squareroot units which have been described in the literature recently [3].FPGA based designs are more economical and easier to program in comparison with the ASIC designs at the cost of lower performance. This has increased interests to FPGA design among researchers in recent decades. For example, the design in [4], takes advantage of resource-aware programming to design a decimal multiplier on FPGA platform. Some proposed designs such as [3], [5] and [6] are three samples of the proposed decimal division-like operations which consider primitive available resources on a specific FPGA device to obtain high performance results.Multipliers can be classified into three main categories: digit serial, parallel and array multipliers. In this paper, we present two different design strategies for decimal array multiplier to show the impact of resource dependency on hardware performance in FPGA platform. The first method (logical design) is based on common logical techniques and the second method (resource-aware design) is based on resourceaware FPGA design. This paper provides the possibility of analyzing the architecture-dependent design (i.e., resourceaware FPGA design) versus the architecture-independent design (i.e., logical design).Implementation of a digital hardware on an FPGA is always affected by resources of the FPGA. In this case, resource-aware design can improve the quality and cost of the hardware on a specific FPGA. In this paper, we propose a flow for designing a decimal multiplier with respect to the available FPGA resources.This paper is organized as follows: Two proposed architectures (i.e., logical design and resource-aware design) are described in Sections II and III and experimental results are reported in Section IV. Finally, paper is concluded in Section V.
II.PROPOSED DESIGN TECHNIQUESIn this section two special design techniques are proposed for a decimal array multiplier on FPGA platform. We emphasize that our proposed architectures is not necessarily an optimized design and it is an abstract one. Therefore, we don't compare it with the previously designed decimal multipliers. Instead, we introduce two different designs in order to show the benefits of the resource-aware FPGA design.In general, decimal multiplication includes three main steps: partial prod...