The purpose of this paper is to assess the adoption of internet of things (IoT) element with the view of increasing usage so that benefits of convenience, increased performance and timely completion of work can be improved. This research was conducted so that there can be increase in the usage of IoT elements for construction performance and sustainability.
The study adopted survey design and various construction professionals were used to assessing the level of adoption of IoT elements. Convenience sample was used by distributing the structured questionnaire to registered professionals. Mean score, bar chart, Kruskal–Wallis H test, one-sample t-test and Shapiro–Wilk were used for analyzing the data gathered.
The findings revealed that wireless fidelity, visualization, wireless sensor networks, Bluetooth, electronic product code and internet protocol are the most adopted element of IoT in the industry. The study also shows that there are areas where there is no significance attached by construction professionals in the usage of IoT elements. These are data storage and analytics, barcode, Zigbee, gateway, near field communication and actuators. It is recommended that less significant areas can be improved through training and educating professionals about the whole concept of IoT and other design professionals. When the importance of IoT elements are understood it will help in the level of adoption.
This paper highlights the possible ways of increasing the adoption of IoT elements with a view to achieving better usage for convenience, high productivity of workers and easy access to information.