Computational Intelligence and Modern Heuristics 8
Management systemThe management system of service network allocates the services and network resources to realized tasks, checks the efficient states of the services network, performs suitable actions to locate faults, attacks or viruses and minimize their negative effects. Generally the management system has two main functionalities: monitoring of network states and controlling of services and resources, creating and implementing maintenance policies which ought to be adequate network reactions on concrete events/accidents. In many critical situations a team of men and the management system have to cooperate in looking for adequate counter-measures, for instance in case of a heavy attack or a new virus. The maintenance policy is based on two main concepts: detection of unfriendly events (attacks, faults, failures) and network responses to them. In general the network responses incorporate the following procedures: detection of incidents and identification of them, isolation of damaged network resources in order to limit proliferation of incident consequences, renewal of damaged services, processes and resources. It is hard to predict all possible events (for example all new demands for a task realization) or incidents (for example failures, faults, attacks or an end of a renewal procedure) in the services network, especially it is not possible to predict all possible attacks or men faults, so system reactions are very often "improvised" by the management system, by its administrator staff or even by expert panels specially created to find a solution for the existing situation. The time, needed for the renewal, depends on the incident that has occurred, the system resources that are available and the renewal policy that is applied. The renewal policy is formulated on the basis of the required levels of system dependability and on the economical conditions (first of all, the cost of downtime and cost of lost achievements) (Zamojski & Caban, 2006; Zamojski & Caban, 2007). Maintenance policy is based on maintenance rules that are understood as chains of decisions about allocation of services and network resources (hardware, software, information and service staff) that are undertaken to keep the system operational after an incident. These rules are very often connected with small fragments of the system, for example; replacement of a machine (a processor) or communication links. These local operations may have impact on the whole network, e.g. if a communication channel is down for a few minutes, then rates of medium (data) traffic of the network may violently change (Zamojski & Caban, 2007).
ChroniclesThe set of system events is created by events connected with tasks realization, incidents occurrence (faults, viruses, and attacks) and system reactions (hardware and information renewals).
Management systemThe management system of service network allocates the services and network resources to realized tasks, checks the efficient states of the services networ...