The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) market has made serial buses a universal transmission method for connecting various devices and carrying large amounts of heterogeneous data. Existing methods of processing heterogeneous serial bus data rely on programmable devices such as FPGAs and MCUs to solve the data heterogeneity problem by updating the system firmware functions. However, these methods are constrained by professional developmemt knowledge, hardware platform compatibility, system reliability, and security, leading to the inflexibility and inefficiency of programmable devices to process serial bus heterogeneous data. In this paper, we propose a novel Software-defined Interaction (SDI) approach that enables dynamic configuration of heterogeneous bus data and can process different data types by introducing a scripting language into a low-cost embedded device. Specifically, a Lightweight Data Distribution (L2D) mechanism is presented to address the strong dependency between data and protocols, which achieves efficient decoupling between data and processing methods. Additionally, a Multi-instance Hot-switching (MIHS) method is proposed to achieve dynamic switching among multiple instances. Finally, the effectiveness and real-time performance of the proposed method are verified through simulation and lowcost hardware deployment.INDEX TERMS heterogeneous data, low-cost embedded device, software-defined interaction, data distribution, hot-switching.