In this paper, a multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) approach of a solid propellant kick rocket motor is considered. A genetic algorithm optimization method has been used. The optimized kick solid rocket motor (KSRM) is capable of delivering a small satellite of 200 kg to a circular low earth orbit (LEO) of 600 km altitude. The KSRM should accelerate from the initial apogee velocity of 5000 m/s up to the orbital insertion velocity of 7560 m/s. The KSRM design variables and the orbital insertion trajectory profile variables were optimized simultaneously, whereas the mass characteristics of the payload deployment module were assigned. A depleted shutdown condition was considered, to avoid the necessity of a thrust termination device, resulting in a reduced total mass of the KSRM. The results show that the proposed optimization approach was able to find the convergence of the optimal solution with highly acceptable value for conceptual design phase.