Statistical properties of large ensembles of networks, all designed to have the same functions of signal processing, but robust against different kinds of perturbations, are analyzed. We find that robustness against noise and random local damage plays a dominant role in determining motif distributions of networks and may underlie their classification into network superfamilies.High robustness against local damage and noise is a fundamental property of biological networks [1]. In gene knock-out experiments where effects of genes are studied by making inoperative one gene per experiment, it has been found that only 13% of genes in yeast are essential, so that their absence is lethal [2]. Because many subsystems of the cell are small, they are subject to strong stochastic fluctuations, but this also does not prevent regular cell functioning.To suppress fluctuations and increase stability of dynamical systems, negative feedback loops can be used (cf. [3]) and such mechanisms of noise reduction are indeed employed by the cells. Alternatively, robustness against random damage can be achieved through the use of self-correcting network architectures. Can small self-correcting networks with only tens of elements, typical for functional modules of biological cells, be constructed? What are characteristic statistical properties of functional networks capable of self-correction? Here, these questions are addressed for a class of networks that should produce predefined responses following activation of different input elements. In the realm of biology, this class includes not only signal-transduction networks of the cell, but also genetic networks. Moreover, the entire nervous system of primitive mul-2 ticellular organisms may also be viewed as belonging to such a class. In our analysis, an approach that can be described as constructive biology is chosen.Instead of investigating real biological networks, we consider a simple flow distribution model of signal processing where nonlinear feedbacks are excluded.By running evolutionary optimization algorithms, large ensembles of networks with the same size and the same output patterns, but robust against different kinds of local damage or distributed noise, are designed. This allows us to analyze how statistical properties of self-correcting networks depend on the kind of random perturbations against which they are robust. Special attention is paid to motif distributions of networks [4]. We discover that our designed networks, robust against random link deletions, have motif distributions characteristic for the second superfamily previously identified by U. Alon and coworkers [4], which includes signal transduction and genetic developmental networks of multicellular organisms and the neural system of the nematode Caenorhabditid elegans.Completely different motif distributions, that belong instead to the fourth superfamily, are characteristic for networks designed to be robust against node deletions or against of noise.