These specifi c design criteria promote high values of the short-circuit current ( J sc ), the open-circuit voltage ( V oc ), and the fi ll factor (FF) of PSCs, which are all related to the PCE. Therefore, tremendous effort has been devoted to optimizing these key parameters by developing new molecular structures and consequently several design rules have been proposed so far. [ 10 ] The side chains are important to ensure enough solubility of the resulting polymers for applications in solutionprocessable organic electronics. In addition to securing solubility, side chains play a multifunctional role in modulating the molecular weight, the optoelectronic properties, and the BHJ fi lm morphology, which all have a signifi cant impact on the performance of PSCs. [11][12][13][14][15][16][17] Thus, side chains should be carefully selected in order to improve the PCE. Despite their signifi cance, however, the exploration of the side chains of conjugated polymers has largely been overlooked until recently, in comparison with the extensive effort focused on developing new designs for their conjugated backbones. [18][19][20] Moreover, although a few studies have recently reported on the effects of side chains, these have not provided enough guidelines for other polymer systems. Therefore, systematic investigations are required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the correlations between the side chains of conjugated polymers and their photovoltaic performances for the further development of new materials and the improvement of PSC effi ciency.Here, we report the strategic side-chain engineering of lowbandgap polymers based on benzodithiophene-difl uorobenzothiadiazole (BDT-2FBT) copolymer system with the aim of achieving highly effi cient PSCs. By incorporating a series of functionalized side chains alkyl-, alkoxy-, alkylthienyl-, and alkoxythienyl chains into these copolymers, we investigated how the molecular tuning of side chains infl uences the key parameters determining the PCEs. Although several studies have been reported concerning the comparison between alkoxy-and alkylthienyl side chains, [ 7,8 ] there is no report on the simultaneous investigation into alkyl-, alkoxy-, alkylthienyl-, and alkoxythienyl chains with identical conjugated backbone. Furthermore, PBDT2FBT-T-O, which has the alkoxythienyl side chains appended on BDT moiety, has not been reported