Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) are no longer the exclusive domain of aerospace industries and nowadays find more applications in the automotive and consumer industries. The growing volume of these materials increases the need for their efficient machining. However, the machinability of CFRPs is a rather complex task due to the heterogeneity and the considerable number of parameters influencing the cutting process. The cutting tool has long been recognized as an important factor influencing both surface quality and dimensional accuracy. Hence, in this paper, tool performance is investigated in the end milling of CFRPs. The effect of tool geometry and coatings on the cutting forces, dimensional accuracy and surface quality were experimentally examined for side and slot milling. Keywords: CFRP, composites, end mill, surface quality, cutting forces Plastika, oja~ana z ogljikovimi vlakni (CFRP), dosedaj ekskluzivna domena letalske industrije, se v zadnjem~asu bolj pogosto uporablja tudi v strojni{tvu, v avtomobilski industriji in v potro{ni{tvu. Z nara{~anjem uporabe teh materialov, nara{~a tudi potreba po u~inkoviti strojni obdelavi. Vendar pa je strojna obdelava CFRP-a precej kompleksna naloga zaradi heterogenosti in {tevilnih parametrov, ki vplivajo na proces rezanja. @e dolgo je znano, da je rezilno orodje pomemben faktor, ki vpliva na kvaliteto povr{ine in dimenzijsko natan~nost. Zato je v~lanku preiskovana zmogljivost orodja pri rezkanju plastike, oja~ane z ogljikovimi vlakni. Pri bo~nem in utorovnem rezkanju je bil preiskovan vpliv geometrije orodja in povr{inske prevleke na sile rezanja, dimenzijsko zanesljivost in na kvaliteto povr{ine.