We introduce an approach that enables continuous monitoring of airborne nanoparticles by online detection and quantification of the collected species. Our method uniquely combines ultra-high flow rate sampling (up to thousands of liters per minute) with sensitive detection based on localized fluorescent complexation, permitting rapid quantitative measurement of airborne nanoparticle concentration. By coupling these components, we show initial results demonstrating detection of airborne ultrafine Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles at environmental concentrations below 200 μg m −3 in air sampled at 200 L min −1. This capability suggests potential for online monitoring, making it possible to establish dynamic exposure profiles not readily obtainable using current-generation personal sampling instruments. The underlying fluorescent complexation interactions are inherently size and composition dependent, offering potential to straightforwardly obtain continuous detailed characterization. Nano impact Nanoparticle safety, particularly in occupational settings, is a timely topic of intense interest. But a major roadblock continues to be a lack of sufficient dynamic data to rationally establish safe exposure guidelines. Current-generation samplers, while useful in providing coarse assessments of post-inhalation contact, are unable to provide a highly time-resolved picture of the transport and fate of dispersed nanomaterials. Our approach overcomes these limitations, enabling airborne nanoparticles to be sampled with throughput high enough to permit continuous analysis of volumes ranging from personal space to an entire manufacturing floor. In addition to providing previously unavailable dynamic data needed to rationally establish exposure profiles, continuous monitoring can enable the source of a hazardous release to be rapidly pinpointed so that it can be mitigated before posing a health risk. Our discovery therefore has potential to fill a significant need as a platform for routine analysis in a highly automated fashion.