Irradiation tests are continuously needed at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), to experimentally assess the radiation tolerance of commercial nonmetallic materials for use in high-radiation areas. The 'Radiation to Materials' R2M activity organizes such tests and provides expertise in the interpretation of results, for the design and upgrade of devices absorbing critical doses during their lifetime. The various activities covered by the R2M are presented. Up to ten irradiation tests per year are organized in external 60 Co facilities, in which samples absorb up to several MGy of gamma dose at dose rates in the kGy/h range. Cables, O-rings, lubricants, glues, optical materials, and insulators are examples of possible tested materials. In parallel, selected samples are irradiated in a mixed neutron and gamma irradiation station built close to the Neutron Time-Of-Flight facility. Dedicated research studies, mainly focused on oil, greases and elastomeric O-rings, are being performed to deepen the understanding of radiation effects in these critical materials. As an example, the mechanical and structural characterization of two elastomeric EPDM-based commercial materials irradiated in gamma radiation up to 3 MGy of dose is presented.