“…The original foundation of the program is based on extensive community-based work conducted by Daniel Dickerson and Carrie Johnson (Dickerson, Johnson, et al, 2012; Dickerson & Johnson, 2011; Dickerson & Johnson, 2012; Dickerson, et al, 2014), Kurt Schweigman (Native American Health Center, 2012), Ryan Brown (Brown, 2010; Brown, Copeland, Costello, Angold, & Worthman, 2009; Brown, Hruschka, et al, 2009), and Elizabeth D’Amico (D'Amico, Green, et al, 2012; D'Amico, Hunter, Miles, Ewing, & Osilla, 2013; D'Amico, et al, 2008; D'Amico, Osilla, & Hunter, 2010). MICUNAY targets a variety of behaviors including reducing AOD use and increasing well-being, spirituality and cultural identification.…”