As gaming acquires new purposes (for instance, entertainment, education and healthcare), game accessibility becomes increasingly important for multiple domains. For broader inclusion, game accessibility encompass both creation and play. Towards this goal, we have defined a framework to enable more people to create and play digital games In this paper, we present strategies resulting from developing and evaluating Lepi, an inclusive end-user tool for co-creation of inclusive storytelling-based games. Adults with heterogeneous interaction needs, levels of literacy and experience with computers used Lepi to co-create their games over ten creation workshops. Using Lepi and following the framework practices, the participants managed to co-create games accessible for themselves and their peers. From this experience, we have identified some strategies (Creation Commands, Interaction Alternatives for Input, Slots, Creation Alternatives, Assisted and Collaborative Co-Creation, Gentle Slopes, Multimodal Features, Playing Commands and Presenting Game Content) which can contribute towards more inclusive practices of game creation and play of storytelling-based games.