The key next step in synthetic biology is to extend cellular network engineering to the multicellular level by utilizing cell-cell communication for information processing. To facilitate the implementation of multicellular networks in the most commonly used eukaryotic chassis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we developed the yeast communication toolkit (YCTK). This toolkit is based on the fungal mating pathway and contains five pheromone-inducible promoters (response parts), eleven pheromones (α-factors; sender parts), eleven pheromone receptors (Ste2; receiver parts), as well as five Bar1 proteases (suppressor parts). All YCTK parts were thoroughly characterized and are compatible with the commonly used yeast Golden Gate cloning standard. We demonstrated the application of the YCTK by implementing several different logic gate-like population networks. Furthermore, we used this toolkit to investigate the pheromone-receptor promiscuity patterns among different yeast species. This toolkit extends currently available resources for construction of complex multicellular eukaryotic networks with varying degrees of promiscuity and attenuation.