Now-a-days, anemia is considered a worldwide problem that not only seriously affects our health, but also has economic and social consequences. Therefore, seeks to provide a solution to the problem to detect anemia with a non-invasive method quickly, simple and low-cost way. In this research work, a web system was designed applying the scrum methodology to detect anemia and simplify the detection process of anemia in Peruvian children. In addition, this study shows as a result a technological prototype that helped in the diagnosis of anemia ; at the same time it provides food recommendations to patients to combat anemia efficiently, with a variety of recipes and ingredients that are available in any home, helping in the recovery process. In addition, the analysis carried out on children with anemia in Peru is shown, where it is known that Puno is the most affected department. With respect to the capital Lima, the most affected district is Callao. However, this amount is expected to drop considerably in the coming years.