KITS.2013.12.3.389 논문투고일:2013년 07월 26일 논문수정완료일:2013년 09월 08일 논문게재확정일:2013년 09월 12일 * 이 논문은 2012년, 2013년 국토연구원 국가공간정보정책 총괄 및 조정사업의 지원을 받아 연구되었음. ** 경기대학교 경영정보학과 *** 아주대학교 e-비즈니스 학과, 교신저자 **** 아주대학교 e-비즈니스 학과 Geospatial information, which is one of social overhead capital, is predicted as a core growing industry for the future. The production of geospatial information requires a huge budget, so it is very important objective of the policy for geospatial information to prevent the duplication of geospatial projects. In this paper, we proposed a semantic search system which extracts possible duplication of geospatial projects by using ontology for geospatial project administration. In order to achieve our goal, we suggested how to construct and utilize geospatial project ontology, and designed the architecture and process of the semantic search. Moreover, we showed how the suggested semantic search works with a duplicated projects search scenario. The suggested system enables a nonprofessional can easily search for duplicated projects, therefore we expect that our research contributes to effective and efficient duplication review process for geospatial projects.