Human biofluids contain numerous known physical and chemical biomarkers that play a vital role in diagnosing the human's health status. In healthy conditions, these biofluids maintain a strict pH balance with an efficient regulation, and slight changes in pH can be used as an early detector of malfunction or disease. Sweat is such a biofluid and normal sweat has a pH in the range of pH 4.5-6.8. [1] It is possible to track dehydration [2,3] or risk of diabetes [4] and detect cystic fibrosis [5] with the pH readings of perspiration/sputum/urine.Similarly, wound healing is a complex dynamic and multifaceted process consisting of hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling stages. [6] During these different stages, the wound fluid pH could vary between 4.5 and 8.5, [7,8] depending on the type of wound and its complexities in healing. A recent report indicates that the wound management expenditure has grown up to 4% of the health budget contribution in Europe. [9] However, with the help of accurate determination of the wound's pH, very essential physiological information can serve as a source to simplify the entire wound diagnosis and treatment practice. [10][11][12] pH is a measure of acidity or basicity, and in 1909, Sørensen defined the pH scale as the H þ ion molar concentration on a negative logarithm scale. [13] In the same year, scientists developed a pH sensitive glass electrode. [14] Arnold Beckman designed the very first commercial pH measurement system in 1936, which brought about the production of commercial pH meters. [15] It consisted of glass electrodes where the potential difference between the working and reference electrodes indicate the analyte's pH. Those sensor systems are highly sensitive to H þ ions and stable, however, they are fragile, bulky and do not have a suitable form factor to be incorporated for human body in situ measurements. pH sensors