“…Использование интегрированной системы оценки изменения напряжения, полученной на основе согласования электро-химического и диффузионного процессов разряда и заряда, позволяет принимать своевременные решения на подзаряд по недопущению перезаряда и недопустимого разряда Ключевые слова: свинцово-кислотный аккумулятор, математическое и логическое моделирование, принятие решений support system based on the determination of the limit charge current by a segmentation method, is devoted to enhancing control system of charge of accumulator battery, but the boundary of the change of charge current in the battery charge process was not determined. In paper [6], an intelligent system of battery charge was presented, based on information using voltage sensors, battery current, electrolyte temperature, but based on measurements of charge parameters and using electrolyte temperature measurement only for the purpose of temperature compensation of voltage change. In order to optimize the maintenance of the accumulator battery sub-charge under conditions of a partial discharge, article [7] presented experimental methods to determine the capacity of the accumulator battery remaining after discharge, but the methods are based on measurements in real time.…”