Human Computer Interaction is actually responsible for the designing of the computing technologies keeping in mind the aspects of Interaction. Some of the fields viz. Man-Machine Interaction (MMI), User Experience Designing, User Experience Design, Human Centered Designing etc and importantly all these systems and technologies are dedicated to the designing of interface of various tools and systems such as computers, laptops, electronic systems, smart phones etc. Information Technology field is growing rapidly and there are various technologies are increasing viz. Big Data Management, Cloud Computing, Green Computing, Data Science, Internet of Things (IoT), HCI, Usability Engineering etc. Usability Engineering is gaining as a field of study as well and dedicated in creation of the higher usability and user friendliness of the electronic tools and products. In this field few aspects and technologies are most important and emerging viz. Human cognition, behavioral Research Methods, Quantitative techniques etc for the development of usability systems. Designing, implementation, usability even in multimedia material viz. audio-video may also practice in the Usability Engineering and allied fields. Wireframes including few other prototypes are required in maintaining of the better and healthy man and machine interaction. As the field is growing therefore, it is applicable in other sectors and allied areas and among these agriculture is important one. In agricultural sector different applications of information technologies are increasing and among this Usability Engineering and HCI are important one. In pre production and also in post production; directly and indirectly this technology is emerging and growing. This paper talks about the basics of this technologies and also its current and future technologies with reference to academic potentialities of this branch in Agricultural Informatics programs.