The stationary (DC) hopping photoconductivity caused by the migration of electrons via intrinsic point t-defects of the same type with three charge states (-1, 0, and +1 in units of elementary charge) is theoretically studied. It is assumed that t-defects are randomly (Poissonian) distributed over a crystal and hops of single electrons occur only via t-defects in the charge states (-1), (0) and (0), (+1). Under the influence of intercenter illumination nonequilibrium charge states (-1) and (+1) of defects are generated due to photostimulated electron transitions between pairs of defects in the charge states (0). During the recombination of nonequilibrium charge states (-1) and (+1) of defects, pairs of defects in the charge states (0) are formed. It is assumed that illumination does not heat the crystal, i.e. does not increase the coefficient of thermal ionization of t-defects. The dependence of the ratio of photoconductivity to dark hopping electrical conductivity on the ratio of photoionization coefficient (γ) of neutral t-defects to coefficient of "capture" (α) of an electron from a negatively charged to a positively charged t-defect is calculated. The calculations of hopping photoconductivity were carried out for the partially disordered silicon crystal with total concentration of t-defects of 3·10^19 cm^−3, compensated by shallow hydrogen-like donors. The ratios of donor concentration to t-defect concentration (compensation ratios) are 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75. An electron localization radius on the negatively charged t-defect is assumed to be equal to an average distance between t-defects including donors. The calculated value of the dark hopping electrical conductivity is consistent with the known experimental data. A negative DC photoconduction at γ > α is predicted, due to a decrease in the concentration of electrons hopping via states (-1), (0) and (0), (+1).