Home industry handicraft products continue to survive in the current Covid-19 pandemic conditions. One way to survive in this condition is to innovate products to increase profits. This innovation can be made through the use of existing raw materials to produce products that are different from before. Doyo weaving is a typical Dayak woven cloth made from doyo plant fibers whose habitat is widely found in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Doyo weaving can be combined with traditional regional embroidery, namely tumpar embroidery. This embroidery has an interesting characteristic in terms of the motifs that characterize the regional culture. The use of doyo weaving and tumpar embroidery is often used in handicraft products and women's fashion products. To help overcome this problem so that sales of doyo handicraft products and Tumpar embroidery continue to produce, it is necessary to design a men's bag product for a starter kit in facing a new normal life according to the government's recommendation during the Covid-19 pandemic. This bag will use doyo weaving and tumpar embroidery as the material for the bag. The purpose of this research is to design a new product by applying doyo weaving and tumpar embroidery on a men's bag as a container for the starter kit. The method used in this research is the Nigel Cross product development method. Initial data were collected through a questionnaire from 50 male respondents as a basis for product development. The results of this research are men's bag products made from doyo woven and tumpar embroidery which can be used for formal or casual events.