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IntroductionGenerally, multiple failure modes may occur in a gear transmission system. Due to the common-source of the input random variables of the system, such as the external loads, the geometric parameters and the material properties, the existing failure modes would be correlated to a certain extend [2,13]. From another perspective, it means that a failure may cause another failure occurs more rapidly, or just the opposite. Actually, whether the dependence of different failure modes is considered during the reliability design process may affect the system reliability estimation greatly. The commonly used independent assumption between failure modes usually leads to defects in gear HAO L, ZHENCAI Z. The probabilistic analysis and optimal design of a bevel gear transmission system with failure interaction. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc -Maintenance and Reliability 2017; 19 (2): 220-228,
Lu HAO Zhu ZHENCAIThe probabilisTic analysis and opTimal design of a bevel gear Transmission sysTem wiTh failure inTeracTion probabilisTyczna analiza i opTymalne projekTowanie układu przekładni sTożkowej z uwzględnieniem inTerakcji między uszkodzeniami