The quantum nature of light requires engineers to have a special set of design rules for fabricating photonic information processors that operate correctly.In the century since Einstein postulated light's quantum nature-an event celebrated last year, along with SPIE's 50th birthday-the quantum revolution has progressed from formalizing the mathematical theory of the electron and photon, to a second wave that uses quantum phenomena for new information-processing technologies. These applications are found in fields as diverse as communications, cryptography, computing, and even imaging.Since photons are the de facto information-encoding entity, this means photonic information processing often amounts to quantum information processing, which can be carried out on chips fabricated with very large scale integration (VLSI) techniques, such as the array of single-photon detectors shown in Figure 1, for significant cost reduction. Our experience with VLSI has taught us the importance of having good rules 1 that abstract away the underlying physics and allow engineers to design chips. This inspired us to consider an analogous set of quantum design rules (QDRs) for VLSI photonics.
2, 3Understanding the quantum rulesTo establish correct engineering guidelines, we first need to understand the quantum rules that photons obey. We adopt the quantum path integral (QPI) formalism 4 to avoid traps that arise from treating the photon as either a classical particle or a classical wave. Under this formalism, a photon propagating in free space is represented by an infinite set of QPI amplitudes φ i between source s and detector d. The probability for detecting a physical photon is determined by summing over all of these paths, and then taking the squared modulus of the result. Some eight quantum rules 2,3 of this type will correctly calculate probabilities in VLSI informationprocessing devices. For example, in Figure 2, which shows a scat- tering event E, path φ 1 would be computed as the product of the two legs, φ 1a and φ 1b , an example of the 'AND-ing' rule. We have shown elsewhere that flawed claims can result when these rules are ignored.
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