Clean water services are a vital need that must be provided to support the dynamics of regional growth. Infrastructure development, such as the provision of drinking water, is considered as one of the policy instruments for economic development, marked by the development of industries, settlements, regional expansion and the increasing need for drinking water. The checklist technique was used by researchers to obtain information from respondents about the application or implementation of risk management. The objective of this research is to identify risk management in the development of the Pasigala Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM), Central Sulawesi Province. This type of research is a case study. This checklist consists of three parts, each of which is used to obtain data on risk identification, risk analysis, and risk treatment. From the analysis, 6 risks fall into the high category, these risks are that the quality of drinking water is not as expected, the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) has never functioned according to the planned capacity, the raw water transmission pipe is not in accordance with the minimum standard / technical specifications, the design raw water production units that have not been able to overcome turbidity due to sedimentation, natural disasters in the location area, and damage to the ecosystem around water sources.