The subject of this article is to analyze the users’ attitude towards new, 5G-enabled smart living services before their commercial launch. The goal is to offer a framework for the analysis and evaluation of influential factors in the early adoption of 5G residential services. Additionally, the paper examines how mobile operators can leverage their existing infrastructure and services to boost the acceptance of both 5G as a technology and the provided smart-living services. To ascertain the potential impact that mobile operators can have on the adoption of such services, loyalty programs were taken into account as a separate factor in the acceptance study. The study was conducted in Serbia in the form of a survey. The analysis of the results yielded some notable conclusions such as trust in technology playing the leading role in influencing the behavior intention, while loyalty programs showed that they can influence attitudes towards individual smart living services. The presented results can be used to shape any future implementation of 5G-based services in Serbia, or any other country whose 5G infrastructure and services for the residential customer segment are yet to be established.