Our aim with this study was to explore the factors that contribute to tuberculosis patients' adherence and nonadherence to the Directly Observed Treatment Short Course strategy. A qualitative, phenomenological research design was used. Fifteen male and female participants between the ages of 18 and 57 years were recruited through purposive sampling at a primary care clinic located in a disadvantaged area, and in-depth interviews were conducted. The data analysis indicated that the factors found to influence adherence were social and economic resources; causal attributions assigned to TB; the social, cultural, economic, disease-related, and psychological challenges faced as a consequence of having TB; quality of health care received; use of the traditional healing system; and the participants' HIV status. Factors found to be associated with nonadherence included poverty, HIV co-infection, stigma, unsupportive social and work environments, and a high prevalence of helplessness and hopelessness.