One strategy that has commonly been used to gain a more detailed understanding of ion chemistry in bulk solution is to investigate the structure and energetics of solvated ions in the gas phase. While solvation of singly charged metal ions has been studied extensively during the last two decades, 1 significantly less information about doubly and triply charged metal ions is known. Solvated divalent metal ions can now be readily produced using electrospray ionization (ESI). 2-5 This has led to a significant interest in obtaining thermochemical information about these ions with both experiment 3-5 and theory. 6-8 Kebarle and co-workers measured the Gibbs free energies of hydration for water molecules located in the second solvation shell of a variety of divalent metal ions using equilibrium experiments. 3 More recently, Posey and co-workers combined ESI with laser photofragmentation mass spectrometry to study divalent transition metal-ligand complexes with methanol in the second solvation shell. 4 Binding energies of inner solvent shell water molecules around Ni 2+ and Ca 2+ ions have been determined from blackbody infrared radiative dissociation (BIRD) experiments. 5 Here, BIRD kinetics of the hexahydrated alkaline earth metal ions, Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ , Sr 2+ , and Ba 2+ , are presented. At low temperatures, binding energies obtained from these kinetic data are directly correlated with the radii of the metal ions (Mg 2+ > Ca 2+ > Sr 2+ > Ba 2+ ). In contrast, the binding energies at higher temperatures follow the trend Ca 2+ > Mg 2+ > Sr 2+ > Ba 2+ . This is the first direct evidence for two distinct gas-phase structures for a hydrated divalent metal ion.Experiments were performed using an external electrospray ionization source Fourier transform mass spectrometer that has been described previously. 9 Hydrated alkaline earth M 2+ (H 2 O) n ions were generated from ~10 −4 M aqueous solutions of the metal chloride salts using nanoelectrospray. Ions are loaded into the cell for 5 s during which time N 2 gas (10 −6 Torr) is introduced. Dissociation kinetics of the mass-selected ion are investigated at pressures <10 −8 Torr. At these pressures, ion activation occurs by absorption of blackbody photons emitted by the heated vacuum chamber walls. 9-11 Unimolecular dissociation rate constants in the zero-pressure limit are measured as a function of temperature (22-140 °C) from which Arrhenius activation parameters are obtained. Under these conditions, the ion population does not have a Boltzmann distribution of internal energies. 10 Measured Arrhenius preexponentials and activation energies are smaller than those measured in the rapid energy exchange (REX) limit. To determine the threshold dissociation energies, master equation modeling of the kinetic data is necessary. 12 The application of the master equation model to obtain threshold dissociation energies has been described in detail previously. 11 The reverse activation barriers for these dissociation reactions should be negligible. Thus, the threshold dissociation energy ...