Purpose The present study aims to analyze the relationship between cardiac autonomic control at rest - i.e., baseline Heart Rate Variability (HRV)-, and metabolic flexibility assessed by means of the FATox and CHOox oxidation rates at the intensities of maximum fat and carbohydrate oxidation (MFO and MCO, respectively).Methods Twenty-four active over-60 women (66.8 ± 4.4 years) had their HRV assessed with 10 min recordings under resting conditions and this was analysed with Kubios Scientific software. After this an incremental submaximal cycling test, starting at 30 watts, with increments of 10 watts every 3 min 15 sec was performed. FATox & CHOox were calculated in the last 60sec at each step, using Frayn's equation. MFO and MCO were further obtained.Results Nonlinear SampEn and 1-DFAα1 (Detrending Fluctuation Analysis score) at rest, were both moderate and significantly (p < 0.05) related to FATox (r = 0.43, r=-0.40) and CHOox (r=-0.59, r = 0.41), as well as RER (r=-0.43, r = 0.43) at FATmax intensity. At the MCO intensity, no association was observed between HRV and oxidation rates. However, DFAα1 (r=-0.63, p < 0.05), the frequency ratio LF/HF (r=-0.63, p < 0.05), and the Poincaré ratio SD1/SD2 (r = 0.48, p < 0.05), were correlated with blood lactate concentration.Conclusion These results are in line with the autonomic resources hypothesis (better autonomic function at rest as a consequence of enhanced metabolic flexibility) in postmenopausal women, supporting the comprehensive analysis of cardiovascular-autonomic health with ageing. The results imply that nonlinear DFAα1 and SampEn are appropriate to analyze this association in health of the ageing cardiovascular-autonomic system.