Localized states (LS) of electrons are studied in clusters and in periodic arrays of graphene quantum dots (GQD) formed using narrow graphene stripes with either armchair or zigzag shape of atomic edges. Basic electronic parameters of the system such as the LS energies E n , inter-level splitting n , wavefunction coherence, and the inter-dot coupling are controlled by applying the electric potentials lg to the electrodes. The electron density of states N() of the periodic quantum dot array regarded as 1D crystal (GC) represents a sequence of very sharp peaks corresponding to LS levels. The spatial coherence parameter GC = 1∕(d ⋅ ℑ) (d is the GC period and is the electron wave vector) is estimated as GC ≃ 5 to 20, suggesting that the electron coherence involves large clusters of GQD by spreading over 5-20 periods in the artificial crystal. Furthermore, the coherence time c , which is determined by inelastic electron-phonon collisions is remarkably long, c ≈ 2 to 100 ns even at temperatures T ≈ 300 K. The above properties of GC open new opportunities for building of the all-electrically controllable multi-qubit circuits operating at high temperatures.