Development and optimization of multiphase nanoscale systems and functional nanoarchitectures require a meticulous physicochemical understanding of interfacial regions and their interactions. Disordered multiphase systems like polymer nanocomposites often exhibit intricate and convoluted interfacial regions across interphases. [1-4] Resolving such nanocomposite interphases with sub-micrometer resolution and chemical exactitude is of substantial importance towards a complete quantitative understanding of nanoscale systems. [5] Vibrational spectroscopies afford the most chemical specificity, but are notably limited in spatial resolution. Conversely, electron microspectroscopies provide the highest spatial resolution but lack a high degree of chemical specificity, particularly for organic species. Electron and other high resolution microspectroscopies like scanning transmission X-ray microscopynear edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (STXM-NEXAFS) typically require the sample to be characterized under vacuum, which can appreciably affect particle morphology and composition at the particle vacuum interface. Advancements in ubiquitous techniques like Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy have culminated with the advent of the discrete-frequency quantum cascade laser (QCL), enabling single-frequency infrared (IR) imaging and faster data acquisition. [6] Notwithstanding advancements, such far-field IR vibrational microspectroscopies lack depth-resolving capabilities and are intrinsically restricted in spatial resolution by the wavelength-dependent diffraction limit of the probing IR light, which is typically between 5 and 12 µm across fingerprint regions and dependent on the particular objective lens used. [7] Efforts to circumvent such diffraction limited resolution have led to recent progress in optical-photothermal infrared (O-PTIR) microspectroscopy techniques, where selective absorbance of mid-IR excitation laser light is detected using a visible light probe laser via a photothermally induced thermal lensing effect. [8-18] In such all-optical schemes, the detectable signal is the modulated probe laser power ΔP probe , which is linearly proportional to