Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research J o r n a l d e I n v e s t i g a ç ã o B i o m é d i c a e B i o f a r m a c ê u t i c a
Comparison between Listeria monocytogenes single and multipathogen detection methods
Comparação entre os métodos de detecção de Listeria monocytogenes simples e multipatógenos
AbstractMultipathogen detection methods have been used to provide a broad range of microorganism detection. We aimed to identify the most searched pathogens in L. monocytogenes detection methods and evaluate if there are sensitivity and specificity differences between single and multipathogen methods. A systematic review was performed by including studies carried out in order to detect L. monocytogenes in a broad range of food sample. A total of 2770 records were retrieved, of which 191 were selected. The majority of the studies (104) presented multipathogen detection, other 87 searched for L. monocytogenes specifically. From the studies for multipathogen detection; other Listeria species (19.4%), Salmonella spp. (21.6%), E. coli O157:H7 (13.2%), Staphylococcus spp. (9.7%), E. coli (5.7%) were more frequently reported. Sensitivity and specificity calculations were derived from only 26 studies, because they compared their data with an official method. Sensitivity and specificity values were close to 100%, showing that others characteristics such as time and cost should be considered to evaluate alternative methods in further research. As a conclusion, evidence generated regarding L. monocytogenes identification methods contribute to method improvements and listeriosis control.Keywords: L. monocytogenes, methods, pathogens, sensitivity, specificity.
ResumoOs métodos de detecção para múltiplos patógenos têm sido usados para fornecer uma ampla faixa de detecção de microrganismos. Objetivou-se identificar os patógenos mais buscados nos métodos de detecção para L. monocytogenes e avaliar se existem diferenças nas taxas de sensibilidade e especificidade entre os métodos que buscaram identificar somente L. monocytogenes e os para múltiplos patógenos. Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada incluindo estudos desenvolvidos para detectar L. monocytogenes em amostras alimentares.