Maternal and infant mortality are one of the most dangerous problems of the community since it can profoundly affect the number and composition of the population. Currently, the government has been taking heed on the attempt of reducing the number of maternal and newborn mortality in Central Java which requires data and information entirely. Poisson regression is a nonlinear regression that is often used to model the relationship between response variables in the form of discrete data with predictor variables in the form of discrete or continuous data. In space analysis, GWPR is one of method in space modeling which can model regional-based regression. It is based on some factors including the number of health facilities, the number of medical personnel, the percentage of deliveries performed with non-medical assistance; the average age of a woman's first marriage; the average education level of married women; average amount of per capita household expenditure; percentage of village status; the average rate of exclusive breastfeeding; percentage of households that have clean water and the percentage of poor people. Based on the analysis, it is revealed that the determinants of maternal and infant mortality in Central Java using Poisson and GWPR models, among others are the number of health facilities, the number of medical personnel, the average number of per capita household expenditure and the percentage of the poor. In the maternal and infant mortality model, the AIC value of GWPR model produces better modeling than Poisson regression. Keywords: Maternal and Infant mortality, Poisson, GWPR