ABSTRACTis research aims to evaluate the impacts of the elimination of the proportionate consolidation method to recognize joint ventures investments, with the adoption of the Technical Pronouncement CPC 19 (R2), on the accounting amounts reported by Itaúsa -Investimentos Itaú S.A., and identify which accounting adjustments are necessary to explain the di erences in reported amounts. Until December 31, 2012, there were two methods to recognize these investments: proportionate consolidation and equity method. e adoption of CPC 19 (R2), from January 1, 2013, brought relevant changes and the elimination of the proportionate consolidation method was the most controversial one. ere are many users and researchers that argue that this method provides more relevant information. e e ects of this change, with signi cant impacts on the amounts reported by the joint venturer rm, were even more relevant in Brazil, since almost all Brazilian rms used the proportionate consolidation. It was chosen the case of Itaúsa and, consequently, of Itaú Unibanco Holding because this is the largest private group in Brazil and represents a relevant investment for its joint venturers. e analyses indicated that the total asset reported by Itaúsa using proportionate consolidation was 832% higher than the value reported by the equity method. For liabilities and revenues, this percentage was even higher: 5,096% and 17,771%, respectively. is impact a ects nancial indicators, industry rankings, and other nancial analyses. For example, the debt indicator decreased from 91% to 16%, when the accounting method was changed to the equity method. e analyses also indicated a set of accounting adjustments that explain the di erences in the accounting amounts reported by Itaúsa, and these adjustments are beyond the recognition of the proportionate amounts of joint ventures, including goodwill, unrealized intercompany results, among others. e main contribution of this research is to discuss the relevance of CPC 19 (R2) to the Brazilian market and its consequences for the largest private group in Brazil.