Pairs of chains taken from ensembles of five-way cubic lattice chains (athermal or theta) were analysed for the (relative) probability of contact formation between specified segments belonging to different chains within this pair. This probability may be taken as a measure of the rate constant which characterizes bimolecular polymer-polymer reactions which occur between active sites attached to or localized at these segments, relative to the reaction between the same active sites, if these were not bound to the polymer chains. It turns out that the (expected) effect which results from the interaction between the chains as a whole (external shielding) is of comparatively small extent and is fairly independent of chain length. The much more important contribution, however, is made by a novel phenomenon whichexhibiting a strong dependence on chain length nis responsible for an "internal" shielding: the compatible pair configurations (i. e. those which are free of intermolecular intersections) are characterized by largely increased segment-segment distances. As a consequence, the probability of contact formation is much lower than it would be expected from a convolution of the (mutually independent) radial distributions of the segments participating in contact formation. The overall shielding factor K can be represented as a product of the fairly independent contributions of external (KG) and internal (K,) shielding. The overall chain length dependence is described by a power law K = Dnd, where the exponent d depends on whether two (Type I contacts), one (Type 11) or no endsegment at all (Type 111) is involved in contact formation. For athermal chains the exponents are d = -0,16 (Type I), d = -0,30 (Type 11), and d = -0,50 (Type 111), the pre-factor being of the order of unity throughout. @-systems roughly show the same general characteristics as the athermal ones, however, to a lesser extent. Thus, neither shielding nor its chain length dependence vanish, the exponents being about -0,06 (Type I), -0, I (Type 11), and -0,2 (Type III), respectively. 0025-I 16X/88/$03 .OO Tab. 1. Parameters D (pre-factor) and d (exponent) of the power laws Dnd characterizing the dependence of the shielding factor K , the external shielding factor K, , the internal shielding factor K, , and the product K,