Several techntques are avatlable for measunng organic volattles m the atmosphere. For measurements at low and moderate pollUtlon levels (between several p.g m-3 and a fraction of a p.g m-3 ), the eXIstmg methods can be adopted to a broad range of different compounds. Whole-atr samphng m stamless-steel containers With metal bellows valves combmed With subsequent gas chromatograpluc separatIOn after preconcentratlon 10 the laboratory IS probably the best procedure for low and medium molecular Weight trace gases of moderate or low polanty and reasonable cherrncal stability (e.g., hydrocarbons and halocarbons). For orgamc compounds of lower volatility, adsorptlve samphng on non-polar porous orgaruc polymers (e.g, Tenax) and thermal desorptlon combmed WIth cryotrappmg and gas chromatograpluc separation of the sampled compounds IS Widely used However, there are often substantial problems due to artefact formatIOn or loss reactIOns Owmg to the generally larger sample volumes, these problems are even more pronounced for sorptlve samphng techntques combmed with sample recovery by solvent extraction. Unfortunately, the general understandmg of the vanous processes of sample degradatlon due to cherrncal reactlons of reactlve components of the atmosphere With each other or WIth the sorbent IS not yet suffiCient to allow reasonable estlmates of the extent of such mterferences Without elaborate test procedures.
Keywords. Au, Samplmg procedures; Extractlon, Orgamc volatdesThe demand for accurate, reliable and sensitive techniques for the monitoring of organic trace constituents in the atmosphere has increased tremendously in the recent past. The reasons include not only a growing concern for the quality of the environment but also the realization that atmosphenc pollution is not only a local problem. At the same time, the number of different organic compounds which are emitted into the atmosphere has been rising steadily. Further, it has been recognized that several substances which had been considered harmless can pose serious hazards to the enVIronment. There is a broad range of techniques for the determination of organic compounds at trace levels wmch are sufficiently sensitive and selective. Chromatography (predominantly LC and GC) is the most widely used method and allows the identification and quantification of organic compounds in sub-nanogram amounts. With few exceptions, the analysis itself is carried out in the laboratory, which means that the sample has somehow to be transported to the laboratory. For many kinds of environmental measurements, representative and contamination-or lossfree sampling often requires substantial efforts and iD general air is one of the most difficult environmenal media for sampling. The problems are easy to understand but difficult to solve. Sample contamers for air are not only more complicated than those for solid or liquid material but also, owing to the low density of air, the volume which has to be collected for an analysis for trace components is generally larger than that for...