gate functions, alternative logic systems based on other logic elements and input molecules generally need to be constructed to generate other logic functions, making logic conversion quite tedious and expensive. [11][12][13] However, in nature, different environmental factors usually make organisms to be programmed into different forms. Therefore, it is interesting and significant to develop the simple logic conversion strategy for the next generation of unconventional processors by learning from nature.Recently, inorganic nanomaterials with enzyme-like characteristics have attracted growing attentions as enzyme mimics (i.e., nanozymes). [14][15][16][17] Decades of researches have shown that unique properties and activities of nanozymes can bring about the diversity of application, [18,19] such as electrochemical sensor, [20,21] fluorescence assay, [22,23] colorimetric assay, [24] surfaceenhanced raman scattering, [25] and therapeutic medicine. [26,27] Therefore, it is expected that the peculiar characters of nanozymes will bring about novel applications, such as logic conversion.In nature, transition metal ions are associated closely with living organisms, which can positively or negatively influence the activities of enzymes. [28,29] On the other hand, some enzymes can maintain high activity in wide pH range by stabilizing their surface charge, space structure, and electron transfer rate in order to adapt well to different environments. [30] Inspired by these above phenomena, taking advantage of the biotemplates, nanostructure, and Co 3 O 4 , we synthesized Co 3 O 4 nanoparticles (NPs) with unique catalase-like activity: the influence of pH on activity is negligible in wide range of pH; the influence of the same metal ions on activity is variable under the different pH; the influence of the different metal ions on activity is versatile at the same pH. Given the peculiar characters of as-synthesized Co 3 O 4 nanozymes, we present the pHprogrammable logic conversion based on sole logic system. The metal ion-triggered logic gates based on nanozymes are constructed and the transformation of logic functions can be facilely realized by change pH of the same logic systems. This contribution would not only broaden the species and application area of nanozymes, but also open novel avenues for logic conversion on the untraditional processors and the pH-switchable sensing of multiple metal ions.In nature, different environmental factors make organisms to be programmed into different forms. However, it is difficult and significant to realize the fieldprogrammable logic conversion of sole logic system for molecular logic gates. Here, the concept of pH-programmable "logic conversion" on the single logic gate based on the peculiar enzyme-mimicking activity is presented.
Inspired by natural enzymes with high pH-stability and metal ions-stimulated activity, pH-independent and metal ions-controllable catalase mimics (Co3 O 4 nanozymes) are designed by protein-directed method. Although pH cannot directly change the activity of n...