Gyógyszermolekulák kémiai szintézissel történő előállítása során előfordulhat,
hogy a szintézisút toxikus vegyületeket tartalmaz, vagy szintézis során képződik
toxikus melléktermék. Ezeket az anyagokat alacsony koncentrációszinten kell
kizárni a gyártott végtermékben, hogy az adott hatóanyag törzskönyvezése sikeres
legyen. Így a genotoxikus (megváltoztatja a DNS által tárolt genetikai
információt), rákkeltő szennyezők analitikai kontrollja folyamatos kihívás elé
állítja az analitikusokat. Erre a vizsgálatra a legelterjedtebb módszer a
nagyhatékonyságú folyadékkromatográfia. Ennek egyik speciális változata, a
nagyhatékonyságú ionkromatográfia alkalmas a kis méretű ionos vagy ionizálható
molekulák, pl. szervetlen anionok és kationok, szerves savak, aminok, valamint
hidrolizálható vegyületek vizsgálatára. A kéziratban bemutatásra kerül a
nagyhatékonyságú ionkromatográfiás technika, valamint annak gyógyszeranalitikai
In the production of drug molecules, the synthesis pathway may contain toxic
compounds, or a toxic by-product may be formed during synthesis. These
substances must be excluded at low concentration levels in the final
manufactured product in order for the registration of the active substance to be
successful. The drug analytics task to quantify these contaminations. This part
of the pharmaceutical industry involves a wide spectrum of analytical
techniques, which together complement each other to give a complete picture of
the product being manufactured. Measurement techniques range from titration to
large instrumentation (mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance
spectrometry). Chromatography is one of the most widely used techniques. Lots of
pollutant which must have quantified, have polar properties and its may present
a risk for patients. The analytical control of genotoxic (altering the genetic
information stored in DNA), carcinogenic contaminants is a constant challenge
for analysts. Organic acids, amines, acid chlorides which are easily ionizable,
hydrolysable are difficult to analyze at low concentration limits by the means
of gas chromatography or high performance liquid chromatography. For the
analysis of such contaminants, the high performance ion exchange chromatography
method is a possible solution. In drug analytics, the ion chromatography
techniques (ion exchange, ion exclusion, ion pair, ligand exchange) are not as
widely used as the other liquid chromatography methods. In addition to inorganic
anions and cations, ion chromatography is a suitable chromatographic method for
the analysis of organic acids, amines, and hydrolysable compounds. In case of
amines, this technique has better peak symmetry and theoretical plate height
than gas chromatography. However, additional acidic API may cause the
disappearance of these peaks. With this instrument, not only impurities can be
tested, but also the counter ions of basic drug substances can be easily
measured to verify the molecular composition of the active pharmaceutical
ingredient. The manuscript describes the applications of ion exchange
chromatography through some examples from pharmaceutical industry. In some
cases, the methods have been validated according to international guidelines to
demonstrate the applicability of high-performance ion exchange chromatography
for the analysis of ionizable organic/inorganic compounds in pharmaceutical