The paper approaches some theories related to certain power components and power quality indices of active filtering. A brief review of the specialty literature tied to technical aspects of compensation based on active filtering is provided. Following that, the steps of a design created by the authors to perform active filtering with a shunt filter are provided. The developed filtering system was tested and experimental data were acquired on a test stand for different operational modes. The data acquired with and without filtering were compared in order to evaluate the filter efficiency. Data were analyzed and observations were made relative to the limits of one of the analyzed theories. It was concluded that another theory has to be used in order to define powers and indices for the quality of power/energy. The evaluation of compensation was made from a technical point of view, according to the standards in force for the domain of power/energy quality. It was noticed that electromagnetic interferences might occur between the active filter and the supplying network. Two indices are proposed by authors in order to provide a more accurate value for the active filtering efficiency considering the financial point of view. Examples for their utilization are provided in real cases.